Wednesday, August 26, 2009


“To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe…”

Life is a frenziedly route. Everyday of our lives we learn a lot of peculiar things. We learn from it and we also learn TO it.

This world is more competitive now than how it was years ago. Somehow, technology and drastic changes of almost-every-thing has something to do with it. We might be having paybacks from such innovations and inventions. Mostly, the more affected stage of life is US --the TEENAGERS. Change is good if it is for the BETTER. But if it is for WORSE... Friends, that is a different story. Think about Newton’s 3rd law of motion that states; “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

Teenager life is the most crucial stage by far in these times. Mostly, all the world’s minor or even major problems are concern with us. Why is this so? The reason may be that we are too adventurous and inquisitive about countless objects. We plan, act and envision almost about the whole lot of things. And this oftentimes points us to two (2) opposite ways – the RIGHT way and the WRONG way.

We are about to attain the adult age. In this age, we are going to expand our consciousness regarding our future and career life. We should know by now that our dependency towards our parents or elders is not permanent. This world does not show any assurance of better living anymore. WE ARE what we make it. WE ARE what we want it to be.

One time, I heard this old woman, sitting next to me at the train, talking to her other friend (I know... Listening to other's conversation is a bad thing but i can't help it. I can hear her talking!), “You know, in our time, the youth used be our hope… but today? I even wish my little grandchildren won’t grow up anymore. I’d rather see them as stubborn little kids who just want to play all day than to be insensitive and happy-go-lucky teenagers. I can foresee how awful the future would be if the teenagers keep on doing meaningless stuffs.” This statement really banged my sanity. It made me reflect deeper. SHE IS DEFINITELY RIGHT. SHE DEFINITELY STATES A WORTHY POINT OF VIEW. We are starting to let them overlook about their belief that YOUTH IS THE HOPE OF OUR NATION.

Uh-oh…It seems like we set off to the wrong direction my friends. So, kids are better than US now? Is this what we want them to believe now? Do you really want this? Or we are just too careless to be selfish.

Let’s activate our new adventure in the GOOD way now fellas. Think about it. Don’t get your colorful and vigorous life stuck in the wrong road. If we launched the right thing, we will end up being right. If we set up the wrong thing, definitely you’ll end up being wrong, unless, you try to make it right at the end. What you are right now is absolutely your CHOICE.

We don’t know the ending of our every story. But we should believe and have stronger faith that we could do better and we could be more useful. But it is all up to us now…