Saturday, August 29, 2009

When David turns Goliath...

Mistakes are throbbing. But they are the only way to find out who you really are…

As the saying goes, “NOBODY IS PERFECT”. For me, this saying is overused but candid. Everybody and anybody commend mistakes. Only God Jesus is perfect.
In my own life comprehension, MISTAKE has two characteristics -- SMALL mistakes and BIG mistakes.

SMALL MISTAKES are those that have a minor impact in our lives. It is like using wrong type of conditioner in our hair. It may cause HAIR FRIZZ but you could fix it with a leave-on hair conditioner. It has alternatives and could be easily and immediately corrected. But sometimes, or maybe OFTEN TIMES, BIG THINGS always come from SMALL THINGS. So, we should stop doing it because it could direct the way to BIG MISTAKES. And what’s worse is that you’ll end up actually living it.


BIG MISTAKES are those I prefer to be called LIFE CHANGING MISTAKES. This kind of mistake is very much painful and hard to deal with. But, nonetheless, it must be accepted and must be taken consequence of. But sometimes, you have to make BIG MISTAKES in your life just to figure out how to make things RIGHT.

At the end, it is our DECISION why we did such factor – whether it is SMALL or BIG. But we discover a lot from it and we could contemplate and say that IT IS CHARGE TO EXPERIENCE. These are one of the explanations of the HOW, WHO, WHAT AND WHY of our existing identity.

LESSONS LEARNED as they say. Every move and step we create is definitely our CHOICE, regardless of the guidance and advices from the people around us. YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE. No one knows you better than you do. TAKE NOTE OF THAT.

To wrap things up: Just a little thought. “You will always see what’s wrong when you are right. But you will NEVER know which is right when you are happy doing wrong.”