Tuesday, August 25, 2009

When the HEART speaks...

Experience is a great teacher. When it comes to LOVE, I’ve been through a lot. Happiness, satisfaction, pain, heartbreaks, sorrows, tears… Name them all… and because of these things… I come up with these basic rules to have longer and stronger relationship with your lover.
  • Never let anyone fall in love with you if it’s just for a rebound.
  • Don’t make someone love you if you still love you ‘ex’ very much.
  • Never use anyone for you to move on... I mean ANYONE.
  • Never make decision if you’re too angry or too happy.
  • Never take anyone for granted.
  • Never LIE or CHEAT
  • Set things straight and clear once and for all
  • Believe and have no doubts
  • Make sure you’ve totally moved on before you say so!
  • Above all, trust God Jesus and put Him first and everything you do.
 -- Not everyone is able to forgive when they have been hurt so much.